The modern landscape of shopping, particularly the online experience, has gutted the personal touch. I feel that Gladfellow has had the insight and prospect to get ahead of the curve, to provide an atmosphere and engagement that is desired for a discriminating consumer. What is the purpose of submitting review in this climate? For most people, there isn’t one - we blindly google for the cheapest price and eventually give our money to another soulless corporation that couldn’t care less about the consumer experience. I ask, that if you also long for yesterday that may never again exist, that you consider shopping with Gladfellow, their owner Jeff is more than happy to engage on social media and welcomes private communications. In my discussions with him and when shopping for products, he is very insightful and excited for opinions and suggestions. The products that you purchase from them are shipped expeditiously and packaged in such a way that they would already make for great gifts for friends and family. I highly recommend them.